



读、写和理解英语口语的能力是成功的基础 in Vincennes University courses. The 澳门足球博彩官方网址 EAL department provides ESL/EAL 学生 the 尽可能快速有效地掌握英语的机会.


We use multiple tests to determine English Language Proficiency. 测试包括 托福、Focal Skills、TABE类和剑桥英语分班考试 建立语言能力,以及ACT, SAT和CPTS来确定学术安排. 文森斯大学ESL/EAL课程为以下学生提供密集、专注的教学 18 to 20 小时 every week in Listening, Reading, Pronunciation, and Writing. 所有类 in the Intensive English Program track are non-credit. EALG 100桥是一个班 专为已完成IEP课程或已通过大学考试的学生设计 classes, but feel they still need support from the EALG department. EALG100是6 并允许学生在提高英语水平的同时获得大学学分 language skills and receiving help with their college classes.

IEP课程包括七个课程,每个课程都侧重于综合语言技能. 学生 are placed in groups of similar English ability. 每个学生拿四张 小时 of instruction daily, Monday through Thursday and two 小时 on Friday. 关注的焦点 这些时间将根据学生所处的技能领域而有所不同. 学生每八周进行一次测试,并根据指示分配到适当的班级 by their test scores or the same class if more practice is needed. 有两个8周 全日制学生每学期学习一次,非全日制学生每学期学习一次,为期16周 学生.

学生 are placed into classes based on their proficiency. 学生们每天都要考试。 eight weeks to ensure proper placement at all times.


  1. 小班授课
  2. Low EAL program tuition cost compared to other Indiana universities
  3. Contemporary yet proven teaching methods for efficient language acquisition
  4. Use of authentic materials for real-life language use and understanding
  5. 定期与同学,澳门足球博彩官方网址同伴和社区成员进行互动,以实现真正的社交 学习经验
  6. Individualized curriculum to meet your language needs
  7. Learned faculty with a variety of teaching experience
  8. Frequent testing for accurate placement
  9. Free tutoring for EAL and other academic subjects available
  10. Safe, secure, beautifully landscaped campus
  11. 位于美国中西部中心的一个友好的小镇,那里的英语很标准 口语

How many 小时 a week do EAL courses meet?

学生 in 8-week EAL courses:

Full-time, on-campus EAL 学生 meet 18 小时 per week. 兼职,校内EAL 学生们每周上课9个小时. 学生 in EALG 100 (Bridge Class) meet 20 小时 a 虽然其中一些时间包括课外辅导和/或学习时间. 学生 in EALG 086 (Community-Based EAL) meet 2 小时 a week.

学生 in 16-week EAL courses:

Full-time, on-campus EAL 学生 meet 9 小时 per week. 兼职,校内EAL 学生们每周上课9个小时. 学生 in EALG 100 (Bridge Class) meet 10 小时 a 虽然其中一些时间包括课外辅导和/或学习时间. 学生 in EALG 086 (Community-Based EAL) meet 1 hour a week.


How many credits are EAL courses?

EAL课程的学时各不相同,但大多数是8周8学分的课程 小时. By the end of a semester, the majority of EAL 学生 have taken 16 credits 因为他们在前八周已经修了8个学分 classes and 8 credit 小时 in the second eight-weeks of classes.

Can I take EAL courses part-time?

Yes, we offer EAL courses on a part-time basis. These courses are a great option for 学生 who wish to work and/or raise a family while they take course. 大多数兼职 课程为期16周,因此希望兼职的学生应提前注册 学期开始. 然而,如果 学生 wish to enroll after 学期开始, 但是如果他们想做兼职学生,他们可以参加EALG 086 (Community-Based) EAL) as an 8-week course, which meets 2 小时 per week. 面向国际学生 on F-1 visas, part-time status is generally not allowed; international 学生 on F-1 visas are generally required to be full-time.

Can I take EAL courses part-time?

Yes, we offer EAL courses on a part-time basis. These courses are a great option for 学生 who wish to work and/or raise a family while they take course. 大多数兼职 课程为期16周,因此希望兼职的学生应提前注册 学期开始. 然而,如果 学生 wish to enroll after 学期开始, 但是如果他们想做兼职学生,他们可以参加EALG 086 (Community-Based) EAL) as an 8-week course, which meets 2 小时 per week. 面向国际学生 on F-1 visas, part-time status is generally not allowed; international 学生 on F-1 visas are generally required to be full-time.


No. 文森斯大学不要求学生必须是文森斯的居民, Indiana, or the United States to enroll. Please note that the cost for 学生 who 印第安纳州、伊利诺伊州、肯塔基州、俄亥俄州或密歇根州的居民不是收费更高吗 比印第安纳州,伊利诺伊州,肯塔基州, 俄亥俄州和密歇根州.

Do 澳门足球博彩官方网址 EAL courses cost money to take? 如果有,是多少?

Yes, 澳门足球博彩官方网址 EAL courses cost money to take. The cost is calculated based on several factors, 包括居住状态,全职或兼职状态,学时数,和 入学学年.

*请注意:报名参加第二个八周EAL课程的学生 一个学期的第二周需要在注册前支付全部课程费用.


You can use cash, check, or credit/debit card to pay for EAL courses. 支付EAL费用 课程,请去威尔士行政学生金融服务(财务处) Building or contact Student Financial Services via email or phone. 请注意 该澳门足球博彩官方网址可能或可能无法处理的付款形式已经起源于 美国以外的国家.


Some levels of 距离艾德ucation (online) EAL courses are available. 距离艾德. EAL课程通过澳门足球博彩官方网址的学习管理系统Blackboard进行异步学习. 距离 Ed. EAL学生可以通过Zoom或其他视频会议平台参加办公时间. 然而,澳门足球博彩官方网址强烈建议EAL的学生在校内上课,因为 澳门足球博彩官方网址亲自学习和做的很多事情是无法完成或复制的 在网上上课.

How do I access or login to Blackboard?

Log into your My澳门足球博彩官方网址 account and follow the directions to access Blackboard.

English Proficiency and Testing 常见问题解答

What tests can I take to demonstrate English proficiency?

此时,文森斯大学的EAL项目接受托福和雅思考试 as means of demonstrating English proficiency. The Duolingo test is being evaluated and will be added to our catalog in the next academic year; however, 学生 who 有多邻国的考试成绩,应该把这些成绩发给文森斯大学招生处吗 只要他们有能力. 宝莲寺的 Program Chair will evaluate Duolingo and Accuplacer ESL test scores as a means of English proficiency on an individual basis.

What if I cannot take the TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo test? 我还能上英语课程吗? 我能上其他的课吗?

文森斯大学要求所有未被考虑的国际学生 是美国居民或没有在美国上过高中 to demonstrate English proficiency before they can take other classes. 然而,如果 如果你不能或没有参加过托福、雅思或多邻国考试,你可以参加Accuplacer ESL test after you are accepted as a 澳门足球博彩官方网址 student. We prefer that you take the Accuplacer 在你到达美国之前进行ESL测试,通常在Zoom上,但你可以亲自参加 at the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Testing Center, too, after you arrive.

尚未表现出英语水平的国际学生和EAL学生 EAL项目主席会澳门足球博彩官方网址(通常是通过电子邮件)来安排时间吗 在学期开始前通过Zoom和监考官一起参加Accuplacer ESL考试. 这些学生不应该预约考试中心参加考试 the Accuplacer ESL test unless they are already in the US.

How do I schedule an appointment to take a test at the Testing Center?

对于在美国的在校学生或可以到达校园的学生,他们可以使用 参加ielts和ielts等考试 一代. 学生 may schedule an appointment at the Testing Center here. 宝莲寺的 Program Chair can help 学生 schedule an appointment at the Testing Center.

Which Accuplacer test should I take?

  1. 学生 who have not demonstrated English proficiency -- Accuplacer ESL
  2. 具备英语水平的学生——下一代讲师

Demonstration of English Proficiency

没有分数或没有表现出熟练程度的学生将有条件地被录取 被澳门足球博彩官方网址录取,并被录取为英语作为附加语言(EAL),测试 language proficiency, and placed accordingly.  学生 who are placed in EAL must 在进入任何正规的大学课程之前成功完成他们的EAL课程

Intensive English Program Track

  • EALG 090 Pre-EAL
  • 开始EAL
  • 低开始EAL 2
  • 高起点EAL 3
  • EALG 094 Low Intermediate EAL 4
  • EALG 095 High Intermediate EAL 5
  • 高级EAL


班暑期强化语言学院为渴望学习英语的学生 尽可能快

  • EALG 097强化学院

Special Course Offering designed for 学生 with specific educational goals

  • EALG 098 Special Language Purpose 


  • EALG 086 社区成员班 (1 credit hour course). 本课程是为想提高英语水平的住校学生开设的. 学生可以选择他们想要的时间来上课,从周二到周四8:00 - 11:00 AM. This class is for non-degree seeking 学生 who want to study part-time.
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